Helping Parents Heal
Helping Parents Heal is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting bereaved parents to become Shining Light Parents by providing support and resources to aid in the healing process. We go a step beyond other groups by allowing the open discussion of spiritual experiences and evidence for the afterlife, in a non-dogmatic way. Affiliate groups welcome everyone regardless of religious (or non-religious) background and allow for open dialog.
If you have heard B speak at any of the group meetings or recordings and would like to schedule a private angel message session please complete the below form.
All sessions are held online via Zoom.
One person private 60 mins session via Zoom
ALL sessions are $99.44
please note: to keep up with the cost of living, private session prices have increased since this recording was made in 2020.
Please NOTE: B only schedules 2 months at a time, the current month plus one additional month.